Louder Than Ever

Episode 19: It's Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus



Happy Halloween!! This week on Louder Than Ever, Hailey and Mary celebrate their favorite holiday!! Join us as we discuss our favorite costumes, Hailey's serial killer neighbor, Mary's discomfort with AHS Hotel and Hocus Pocus Trivia!! Stay safe, get lots of candy, and DON'T be a clown! Clowns suck.  ----------------------------- You can support Louder Than Ever by clicking that SUBSCRIBE button! Also, please give us a rating on iTunes. We would super-duper appreciate it.  You can also Like our page on Facebook and follow us on both Twitter and Instagram @LTEPodcast Also, e-mail us funny memes or questions or feedback or just about anything to LouderThanEverPodcast@gmail.com You can find Hailey across all social media @HaileyAlizabeth and Mary @sparkilini