Embracing Life With Betty J. Eadie

06: My Journey Beyond & Being Embraced By The Light



To listen to this episode, click on "POD" in the icon above to the left of the Podcast title (not on the Podcast title link). To download this episode, "right-click" on the mp3 file below and choose "Save." Betty's first taped interview of her experience with her Publishers before the publication and release of her book Embraced By The Light. Some of what she shared was met with both warmth and skepticism, neither of which bothered Betty. She gave in simple language greater detail of that which came straight from her heart then she shared in her book. Betty describes what it is like to see oneself three-dimensionally, being in the black mass, the beautiful sounds that cannot be duplicated on earth and how the pinpoint of light burst forth into a magnificent, brilliant light. She attempts to clarify some of what she experienced that is difficult to express in the language we have as mortals.  Betty also goes into deeper explanation of many topics, such as our auras, the use of prayer, the life-review, the law