Embracing Life With Betty J. Eadie

11: Miracles Can Happen When Hope & Faith Are Lost



To listen to this episode, click on "POD" in the icon above to the left of the Podcast title (not on the Podcast title link). To download this episode, "right-click" on the mp3 file below and to the right of “Direct download:” and choose "Save." You can also download it through iTunes and Stitcher.com. No matter how great our faith is and no matter  how close to God we live —there will come times of testing. During this podcast, Betty interviews her daughter Cheryl, who found herself with varied degrees of paralysis from the waist down following what should have been a simple surgery. This paralysis was diagnosed as untreatable and left her daughter unable to care for herself for many months. Listen to Cheryl describe her trial of faith as well as what this was like for Betty. Spiritual growth comes with a price and a reward.