Life By Design Podcast

#316 Your Ego IS Not The Enemy



Every once in a while, I read or hear quotes like the following:   "A bad day for your ego is a good day for your soul."   "When ego is lost, limit is lost. You become infinite, kind and beautiful."   I'm not sure if I'm reading or hearing this more often than before, or whether I'm more sensitive to it now than I was in the past, but either way I disagree wholly and entirely with such sentiments.   Your ego is you - the part of you that is unique and distinct from everyone else. The part that reasons, decides, chooses, loves, achieves and thinks. It's the best part of you and denying it - or worse - creating a systematic plan on how to 'conquer it' does not lead to good in your life.    I know this because for the first 20 years of my life I attempted to conquer my ego - it was not pretty and it led to a lot of pain, anxiety, and frustration. It wasn't until I started listening to that part of me that my life turned around dramatically.   The purpose of this podcast is to share my experience of how listening