Life By Design Podcast

#334 Strength Training Helps You Live Longer



Two new studies remind us of what we already know but sometimes forget. The above is a quote that opens the article titled "To Delay Death, Lift Weights." What an appropriate way to describe strength training, something that, the research is quite clear, has outstanding health benefits to the body, yet is often brushed under the rug. It makes sense, going to the gym, or moving your body in upwards of 80% of your one-rep maximum is uncomfortable and scary. But it's so worth it for your health. The attached article review two studies. The first was performed at the University of Indiana. 4,440 adults over 50 were assessed between 1999-2002 and were followed up on again in 2011 to see who passed away. The three variables they measured were strength, muscle mass and mortality. In the results they found that those with low muscle strength were two times more likely to have died during the follow-up. In contrast, low muscle mass didn't seem to matter as much. In the second study, 80,000 adults in England and Scotla