Life By Design Podcast

#379 How to Stay Sane During Isolation



Our days go to heck in a hand basket when we don't execute a daily routine. Things have the vibe of that time between Christmas and New Years with one major difference...there is no end in sight.   If we were to gauge the current tone of society, we would say the dominant emotions are fear, apathy, and dread. This is not a judgement on those emotions or on you if you're feeling this way... this is a statement of fact that one day this will be all over and those emotions do not serve you in fulfilling your values, dreams or goals.   With all that being said, here are some of the things we found helpful to keep our days as productive and normal as possible during these crazy times.   What we covered Plan to succeed. The day starts a strong mental focus followed by reviewing goals and tasks that need accomplishing. Despair and apathy loom with the cure for those two emotions being clarity and action. Creating a plan and a direction for yourself and your family is vital, especially right now. Your kid's schedul