Farrier Focus Podcast

Interview with Alan Bailey - Internationally Acclaimed Farrier and Teacher



In today's episode we talk to internationally acclaimed farrier and teacher, Alan Bailey of England. Alan Bailey began shoeing in 1963. He comes from a long line of farriers and blacksmiths. In 1978, he went to teach at the Hereford College. There, Alan became well-known for his teaching method; especially of anatomy and physiology. He is responsible for raising the standard of excellence in the farrier training exams at the Hereford College. Because Alan demanded such a high standard of his students, he has the unique distinction, as a teacher, of never having had a student fail. He is still affectionately remembered by many of his former students. They appreciate that he expected so much and he never gave up on them. In 1988, Alan left the school to become the liaison officer for the Farrier Registration Council of the Worshipful Company of Farriers. He went to Louisville, KY and gave a presentation at the Laminitis Symposium in January of 1989. After that, he became popular on the international lecture cir