Love & Guts

The Best Of 2020 | Dawn Whitten |Introducing Solid Foods To Baby



#190 In this episode we extinguish the confusion on when to begin introducing solid food to your baby. I had to get Dawn Whitten back on the cast. If you have yet to listen to my first conversation with Dawn please do. Back in episode 64 I Dawn and I delve into the world of breast milk and the breast milk microbiome. It’s a goodie and one that I’ve listened to a few times already. Judging by the downloads, you guys found this one valuable too.  Let me refresh your memory on who Dawn is; Dawn Whitten is a Naturopath, Western Herbalist, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Researcher and Educator. Passionate about protecting and nurturing the microbiome of the next generation, Dawn has a broad base of clinical experience with a focus on women’s health through pregnancy and beyond, as well as infant and toddler health. She has been in clinical practice for 16+ years. Dawn has been published in the peer-reviewed literature and has contributed to clinical textbooks (Including the Breastfeeding chapt