Hollywood Breakthrough Show With Danielle Tillis : Tv & Film | Comedy | Podcast For Entertainment Careers In Tv & Film

HBS 034 Interview with Peabody Award-Winning filmmaker Garland McLaurin - Pops a documentary web series.



PRODUCER/DIRECTOR- Garland McLaurin. Garland McLaurin is a Peabody-Award winning filmmaker; his love for storytelling comes from its power to artistically explore the complex and conflicting social and psychological layers of people and society. His web series POPS explores fatherhood for African American men and was funded by ITVS Digital and National Black Programming Consortium. He co-directed/produced the Peabody-winning documentary series, 180 Days a Year Inside an American High School and Hartsville that aired on PBS. He served as co-cinematographer on Wes Moore’s Coming Back documentary series, highlighting veterans, and for award-winning documentary filmmaker Yoruba Richen's The New Black (Independent Lens), which explores the fight for marriage equality in the African American community. His other professional credits include field producing on CNN’s Black in America 4, producer/shooter for WAMU 88.5 American University/BET’s special Homecoming: The Killing of DJ Henry. Additional past digital media