Dawn Farm Addiction And Recovery Education Series

Addiction and Families - September 2017



Addiction and Families was presented on September 19, 2017; by Dr. Lynn Kleiman Malinoff, Ed.D. Substance addiction is often described as a family condition. Each member of the family unit is affected by addiction within the family and often family members do not realize how profoundly they have been affected. To survive within a framework of chaos, family members often develop roles and defense mechanisms that help them to cope. Family members affected by substance addiction often have challenges in supporting each other and taking care of their own health and well-being. Family involvement is an important element of the recovery process for people with addiction, and family members themselves can recover from the effects of having person with addiction in the family, whether the person with addiction recovers or not. This program will provide an overview of how addiction impacts each member of a family. Dr. Malinoff will describe roles and behaviors that family members often acquire when living with addicti