Dawn Farm Addiction And Recovery Education Series

Does Addiction Treatment Work? - February 2018



"Does Addiction Treatment Work?" was presented on February 20, 2018; by Dr. Carl Christensen, MD, Ph.D., D-FASAM. Recent publications purport to define research-supported definitive truths about the root causes of addiction and efficacy of treatment modalities; however, conclusions are conflicting and have been subject to divergent interpretations. Dr. Christensen will review the recent criticisms of treatment for addiction including Twelve Step, residential, and medication assisted therapy, the scientific studies that do and do not support their use and other controversial issues. The presentation will include a short discussion of naloxone resuscitation. This program is part of the Dawn Farm Education Series, a FREE, annual education series developed to provide accurate, helpful, hopeful, practical, current information about chemical dependency, recovery, family and related issues. The Education Series is organized by Dawn Farm, a non-profit community of programs providing a continuum of chemical dependency