Dawn Farm Addiction And Recovery Education Series

Co-Occurring Eating Disorders and Addiction: Implications for Recovery by Tiffany Schultz – February 2019



“Co-Occurring Eating Disorders and Addiction: Implications for Recovery” was presented on February 26, 2019; by Tiffany Schultz, LLMSW; Dawn Farm Outpatient Therapist. Co-occurring Eating Disorders and Substance Use Disorders often converge in several complex ways. We know that addiction to substances is a primary, chronic, and fatal disease if left untreated; research also tells us that when these two disorders co-occur, treating them simultaneously is the best course of action for the individual seeking help, and that long-term recovery from both disorders is possible. However, finding a program able to treat both conditions effectively is challenging. This presentation will explore the ways in which these two very serious conditions intersect and how those intersections impact the course of treatment and recovery for the individual. This program is part of the Dawn Farm Education Series, a FREE, annual education series developed to provide accurate, helpful, hopeful, practical, current information about su