The Alpha Female Podcast With Robyn Baldwin

AF 038: Diet Recovery Expert, Fitness Coach, Writer and Alpha Female Network Marketing Pro Camy Kennedy



Camy is a Diet Recovery Expert, Fitness Coach, Writer, and Network Marketing Pro integrating Fitness & Faith into her lifestyle programs and confidence coaching. As a recovering perfectionist, a born-again morning person, tom-boy and #rulebreakerforlife, Camy helps women on their health journeys by releasing them from expectations of perfection and allowing them to embrace a non-dieting lifestyle. She is passionate about designing a life you love and took the leap from the corporate world in 2015 on faith that the people, resources and opportunities would present themselves as she pursued her highest calling. Her alpha-ness and faith allowed her to take big risks with grace and confidence, despite many voices telling her that there was a safer route. Now, Camy uses her experience with extreme dieting, body image issues and negative self talk to coach women through their transformations by giving them what they think they want, and guiding them towards what they