The Alpha Female Podcast With Robyn Baldwin

AF 135: Author, Love/Life Coach and Alpha Female Transformation Retreat Hostess Emily Pereira



Emily Pereira had a life that looked really good… on paper (this was before Instagram was a thing!) Continually ranked #1 at a top Fortune 100 company, living on the beach with her Myspace founder boyfriend, with a closet full of designer clothes she wore to endless parties events and vacations, she admits it still sounds good. But caught in an endless cycle of never enough, she was anything but genuinely happy. Just when she thought she’d be getting the ring, she found out her man was cheating on her and her whole life crumbled before her. Down to 93 pounds, needing pills to sleep and on the cliff’s edge of depression, a chance encounter with a powerful spiritual teacher with a knack for out-of-body adventures turned the breakdown into a spectacular breakthrough. And so began an unlikely journey to the far ends of the earth and deep within herself that showed her a unique way of being in the world that blows the roof off what we’ve been taught it means to be successful and happy. More than a decade later, Em