
Episode 17 - Color



Word of the Day - Color Our word of the day was suggested by Beth's sister, Ruthie, also our very special guest for this podcast episode. Ladybird Johnson's wildflower legacy A bit about color and dye workshops, dyeing techniques. The claim that ancient people did not see the color blue. “On and on they flew, over the countryside parceled out in patches of green and brown, over roads and rivers winding through the landscapes like strips of matte and glossy ribbon.” - J. K. Rowling Great movies about color What Dreams May Come Avatar  Woman in gold The changing attitudes about color and race and the words used for description. Martha and her babyColorful new baby goat! “I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it." - Alice Walker “Isn't it strange that I know you'd risk your life to save mine, but I don't even know what your favorite color is?” - Suzanne Collins Adult coloring books. Spoon Mountain Farm coloring book by talen