Legal Aid Nsw. Law For Community Workers On The Go

A little taste of LCW on the go!



Are you new to "Law for Community Workers on the go"? Listen to this short taster to get the idea of what we do! This podcast started in early 2018 to deliver legal education for an audience of community, social and health workers, especially workers in regional and remote areas. We interview lawyers and specialists about everyday legal problems, what’s new in the law and how people can get free legal help. Our aim is to improve access to justice for vulnerable people in the community by educating frontline workers.  In this taster, you'll hear from: Teela Reid and Merinda Dutton talking about The Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme (22 October 2019) 00.00-05.19 Jessica Sullivan learning What to expect from a Recovery Centre (10 March 2020) 00.46-02.50 Nicola Cannon talking about Centrelink in the time of COVID-19 (27 March 2020) 00.53-2.14 Jeremie Quiohilag and Nohara Odicho talking about the Legal Aid NSW Refugee Service (22 March 2019) 7.14-9.50 Kerry Wright talking about the Law Check Up in Stop