Legal Aid Nsw. Law For Community Workers On The Go

UPDATE - Centrelink in the time of COVID-19



We speak to Nicola Cannon a solicitor in the government law team — specialising in social security. She will be giving us an overview of recent changes to Centrelink payments and what those changes mean for our clients. Referrals and more information LawAccess NSW 1300 888 529 Contact Legal Aid NSW  to speak to a lawyer. Please check for updates about availability of legal advice. Centrelink’s dedicated COVID-19 page — this website is being regularly updated. Appealing Centrelink decisions and advice Review of Decision Form Welfare Rights Legal Centre Financial counselling Timeline of changes to JobSeeker Payments Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period Special coronavirus security arrangements to end Subscribe to our Alerts for community and health workers to stay up-to-date  Look after yourself We want this to be a safe space for listeners. If you need support, there are services that can help: Beyond Blue -1300 224 636 Lifeline -13 11 14