Pathfinder Academy

How I Edit the Podcast



This episode covers the editing techniques I use to edit an episode of Pathfinder Academy. This includes examples of what audio sounds like before and after I edit it, as well as estimations of how long the process takes and how much of the audio is left after all is said and done. We write the notes. We record the episode. We use a free program called audacity that allows us to record our audio. We both use the “U37 USB Studio Condenser Recording Microphone” made by CAD. Previously I used a different condenser microphone that was more expensive but older technology so I switched a little while ago, I don’t remember what make and model that one was. After the episode is recorded Christian exports his audio on the insane quality preset. Exporting turns the audio recording into a usable file, in this case we use mp3. Christian sends me the mp3 over google drive. I import Christian’s audio file into audacity. This takes about 1 minute for every 60 min of audio. I sync the audio. Syncing the audio is simply