Highway 89

Cheney Family Trio and Larry Gee



The Cheney Family Cello Trio based in Salt Lake City, Utah has been playing concerts since 2008. Elliott Cheney, faculty cellist at the University of Utah, holds the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts in Cello Performance from the University of Texas at Austin. Elliott has been teaching cello, chamber music and music appreciation at the University of Utah since 2000. He and his wife, Carey Cheney, also a Doctor of Musical Arts in Cello Performance, have had a large, private cello studio in Salt Lake for the past 15 years. Carey works also training and mentoring young cello teachers through the auspices of the Suzuki Association of the Americas. Carey and Elliott met in a fairytale-like circumstance in Germany long ago, while they were both studying with Andre Navarra. Since this time they have traveled widely as part of their careers as cellists - Costa Rica, Brazil, New Zealand, England, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Mexico and Canada.  The youngest member of the trio, Livingston Cheney, is a veteran cellist o