Movie Oubliette

Reign of Fire



Conrad and Dan are doing battle with dragons again, but this time it's in London during the fateful futuristic year 2020. Matthew McConaughey, Christian Bale and Gerard Butler – possibly the manliest of manly line-ups cinema could produce in 2002 – are joined by ace helicopter pilot Izabella Scorupco in Reign of Fire. It's a post-dragon apocalypse and mankind is reduced to living in castles, riding horseback, wearing sackcloth and mounting community theatre productions of The Empire Strikes Back to entertain frightened children. Can brash, tank-riding American Denton Van Zan and cautious, world-weary Brit Quinn learn to cooperate to defeat the horde of winged serpents that rains fire down from the sky? Will everything be alright, alright, alright? Or will this be the smouldering husk of a noughties CGI-fest? Find out! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram Support us on Patreon to nominate future films and access exclusive bonus content