Simon Scholes

Freelance Writers Appreciation Week - The Social Media Podcast



In honour of Freelance Writers appreciation Week, it's time to talk about blogging again. Blogging as far as I'm concerned is the doorway to more content for your brand and business. With a blog you get your message straight in writing, something we're all capable of doing. So, let's chat through some of my top blogging tips to help make sure your content is seen by more people. 1. Focus on 1 or 2 long tail keywords that match the intent of your ideal audience for that blog 2. Don’t forget to use these keywords within your blog, more than once would be great 3. Make sure your blog is mobile friendly. More and more people are using their phones to digest content, so make sure they can read it on it. 4. Optimise your meta description for the blog. It’s usually about 300 characters, so try to use them all 5. Put in photos and make sure they have the right attributes in the metadata section for the photo 6. Link internally to other content on your website 7. Link externally too, maybe to where you’ve got certa