Love Your Life With Jessica Valor

81: Ellen Meredith - The Language Your Body Speaks



Ellen Meredith is probably one of the most down-to-earth woo-woos you can find and she has a new book out "The Language Your Body Speaks" and it's phenomenal! Her goal is to help you activate your own inner guidance and recognize your unique gifts and purpose. She has been in training with her inner teachers since 1978 and is an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner. Just under the surface of your awareness, your body, mind, and spirit are using energetic signaling to communicate constantly with one another. Your body communicates imbalance and needs via symptoms, feelings, sensations, thoughts, and events. If you miss those communiqués, your body and mind shout louder and discomfort snowballs into illness. The Language Your Body Speaks teaches you, through a process Ellen calls energy dialogue, how to speak energy, participate in your own healing, and activate your body’s built-in capacity to thrive. Get Ellen's book and check out her work here: