Love Your Life With Jessica Valor

89: Cord Cutting Meditation+ Ascended Healing Methodology



Spring Equinox is here this week and the below is supportive to all that is present to help you navigate and also can be used as needed anytime. Please let us know if you have questions or comments. You can always dive deeper in our Collective group here: There is a sacred flow to life Spring gives us the perfect season and reminder that we are in our own rhythms and cycles of letting go, cutting cords and being reborn blooming our beautiful gardens. You are awakening to new layers of your light. The few weeks and days leading up to the shift in spring and equinox has had us out to sea somewhat in this Pisces energy. I know I have felt like I was floating and for weeks and doing some deep dives with cord cutting. I have recorded a cord cutting meditation and if you prefer to do it on your own, so it is more personalized and to dive deeper, I suggest the following below. Cord Cutting Meditation+ Ascended Healing Methodology Declaration: I cut and clear