Change A Law

#002 - Just Wait Till November



This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world. -- Transcript (Partial) -- Many of us are frustrated and annoyed by the hypocrisy and infighting in Washington. We are constantly reminded that elections have consequences and November is our time to act at the ballot box. All of this is true but I know many of us remain antsy. So can we do more? If you think things are dysfunctional at the federal level, you should try the state and local city councils. I think you'll find the same. When we are told we should get together with our friends and neighbors to pursue issues that we have in common and voice our concern, this is true. But often we don't know our real neighbors. Because of this, our friends and neighbors have become our new virtual friends and neighbors in online communities and blogs. This separation m