Change A Law

#007 - Congress Deserves a D



This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world. -- Transcript (Partial) -- According to a recent poll [1] the job performance rating of Congress continues to reflect a very low 7% positive job approval score. Why is that? Why do we accept such poor performance? Do we think if they did more, worked harder, longer, smarter, they'd get a better result? Do we want Congress to be more productive and pass more laws with more pages? Even now we learn that Dodd-Frank has 5,320 pages covering 400 new regulations [2]. ObamaCare was a 2,700-page bill and so far has 13,000 pages of new regulations [3]. Or do we want Congress to undo some of the old laws that we no longer like? Would we prefer Congress respond to issues that we think are important? Or did we elect our member to vote the way he or she wants? If the polls ar