Change A Law

#010 - Get Money Out of Politics Now



This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world. -- Transcript (Partial) -- We should get money out of politics. Everyone says it is corrosive and corrupts. But ask any candidate who lost his last campaign if he could have used more money and I think he'll say yes. The problem is not too much money. The problem is narrowly focused sources of money. Narrow money doesn't work. In plain English, narrowly focused funding sources empower special interests. In one sense, we don't like special interests because we are not part of the group. But if we were, we would ignore our own hypocrisy and cheer for our 1st Amendment rights. There's probably an algorithm for the correct balance of financial breadth and depth and its political influence. You want more of the former (breadth) and less of the latter (depth)