Wait, What Happened?

November 16, 2007



Well, well, well! Tim and Warren are joined briefly by Dave, but for much more of the show by a special guest! We're discussing a lot of REAL stuff this week, including Al Franken, moose, growing up, origin stories, LCD Soundsystem, stealing jackets from Uber drivers, and speakeasies! If you're listening, please let us know some interesting things about yourself from 2007 by emailing waitwhathappened10years@gmail.com. You can also reach out to us on Twitter and Instagram @podwait and if you're feeling particularly generous, subscribe rate us on iTunes! Thanks to Ben Wise for giving us a great intro/outro track! Check out more tracks like that on SoundCloud at The Disfits, or you can check his music out at Benwisemusic.com