St. John Armenian Church - Sermons

On Living Simply - Announcing Winter Bible Study Courses



At times life is hectic, cluttered, and complicated. Sometimes it's all those things. Did God intend for our lives to be this way all the time? The answer is no. We know this through the teachings of Jesus Christ, as well as those of our sainted Church Fathers. Join us this season as we learn how they can guide us to simplicity. In this course, we will study selected passages from the Bible, as well as the works of Armenian and non-Armenian saints to understand how they tried to minimize distraction and deprioritize the unimportant so that they could find spiritual fulfillment and achieve their goals. We will also review historical and contemporary tools that we can use to bring about a more simple lifestyle, creating time for self-improvement, loved ones, and of course God. Personal views expressed by the host or guests of this podcast do not necessarily reflect the those of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Introduction music is by Iakovos Kolanian, entitled "Vagharshapati."