Can They Say That?

The Struggle Is Real



NEXT STEPS: You listened…now what? Here are some “Now What?” ideas to try this week. Identify your struggles. Literally, Name. It. If you’re a praying person, ask God to help you see what your struggle is and what might be at the root of it. What do you believe about yourself? Does your inside match your outside? Is it ok to let the world see who you truly are? Answering these questions in a journal and reading it out loud to yourself can take some of the power out of what might be holding you back. JOURNAL. JOURNAL. JOURNAL. This doesn’t have to be in the ‘traditional’ sense. Use bullet points. Write in code. Draw. Just put it on paper. Write a letter to yourself telling yourself what you want to believe about who you are. Get a small counter (like the kind they use to take attendance at games) and use it to track unhelpful or judgmental statements you say to yourself. At the end of the day, right the number down on a calendar. Do this for at least 21 days and watch as the behavior decreases. There isn’t m