Can They Say That?

Bursting Bubbles



Bursting Bubbles Wanna get comfortably uncomfortable? Yeah, neither do we. Join us as we look at what comfort zones are (and aren’t) and why sometimes, the responsible thing we can do is burst our own bubbles of comfort. Now What? “You Can Do These!” Change your routine this week. Drive a different route to your common places. Brush your teeth with the other hand. Find new ways to do old things. You’ll grow your brain even in thinking about what that looks like! Befriend someone who you wouldn’t normally befriend. Someone different than you. If you keep your eyes and heart open, we’re confident you will find you have more in common that you first realized. Do one new thing this week that has always intrigued you but maybe also scared you a little. Don’t worry about what others think; if it seems too big or too small. It’s your thing. So do it! Resources: “You Can Read These!” Your Faithful Brain: Designed for so much more! By Leonard N. Matheson, Ph.D.