Can They Say That?

Healthfully Selfish



Healthfully Selfish: That’s not a type-o and we’re not just talking bubble baths and mani-pedis. Tune in and discover what it is, and what it isn’t and why being Healthfully Selfish is the best gift you can give to those you love. YOU CAN DO THIS! What is something you love to do that you’ve lost sight of? Something that feeds your soul. Make a list. (Yes, right now. Write them down.) Got your answer to #1? Good. Now go do it. Practice breathing. Remember, deep, from the belly. Not just the chest. Inhale then exhale longer than your inhale (try counting it out. Or better yet, choose two words that remind you of calm and peace. Use the shorter word for your inhale and longer one for your exhale.) Practice your breathing by blowing bubbles. Inhale, then exhale slow and controlled. See how many bubbles you can blow. More hugs! (With safe and approved partners. Pets included!) Take a nap. Do a quick Google search and find passages of Scripture that reference the importance of taking care of yoursel