The Twenty Minute Vc: Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20 VC 013: Frank Meehan Series A, Spark Labs and The Future of The Asian Tech Market



Frank is Co-Founder and General Partner at Spark Labs Global seed fund where he has invested in 40 companies in the US, UK and Asia. Previously, Frank was part of Horizon Ventures where he represented them on the boards of Siri, Summly and Spotify, just to name a few.  Items mentioned in today's show: SparkLabsGlobal Horizon Venture Brent Hoberman Smartup Youth Digital Clinkle In today's episode you will learn: How Frank made his entry into the technology industry and later the world of venture capital? What Frank would recommend someone who is trying to learn to code? Is coding necessary for a Founder to be successful? What does Frank believe makes the perfect Series A round? How early is too early to invest for Frank? How do VCs compete for the most competitive rounds? What was Frank's most recent investment and why he said yes? What sector is Frank most excited about and why? When thinking of success, who is the 1st person that comes to Frank's mind? What Frank learnt from working at Horizon? W