Universal Family

Love, purpose, and the opioid crisis



What I have read about the opioid crisis says nothing about the lack of a sense of purpose in the lives of our brothers and sisters who consciously use dangerous drugs--and, for that matter, our brothers and sisters who deliberately profit from excessive opioid use. Yes, lack of the healthy momentum of a noble purpose is something we all experience at times. Moreover, a sense of hopeless often owes much to factors beyond the control of the individual.      That said, to experience the love of God is a game-changer. We get a new sense of who we are: a infinitely loved son or daughter of God and a brother or sister to those we meet--and the other aspects of better or worse this or that fall into perspective when we are anchored as members in the family of God. The eternal God, our Father and our friend, is present in each person, leading quietly, patiently, gently, powerfully, with abundant forgiveness, being a loyal companion as we go through whatever consequences are ours to live through on the way to a magni