White Bitch Buffet

EP 21 - Legal Bitches



July's second episode is 21, Legal Bitches!! Laura and Max discuss their 21st birthday escapades as they celebrated them together but in very different ways, via a partybus vs a surprise party. The girls let the show take a more serious note as their share their thoughts, concerns and support for the #blacklivesmatter movement and their thoughts of what their peers can't stop sharing on Facebook about police brutality. Family Feud brings the show back into the sunny side of things, as Maxini struggles to name rich bitches and Big L has no idea what starts with the word "bottom." The bitches close up the show with highlight stories from their trips around the US last month, with Laur talking about the Bat Cave and Max describing drunk people falling down. Catch up with your bitches at whitebitchbuffet.com!