Wedding Photography Podcast | How To Become A Successful, Full-time Wedding Photographer | Wedding Photography Tips

How To Get Wedding Photography Leads During The Engagement Season



“Tis the season!  In the wedding industry, the months of December through February are known as the “Proposal Season,” and that means it’s time to build leads and book weddings. Preparing your business for this season would have ideally happened a few months ago, but in this podcast episode, we are going to cover a few ways to increase your odds for making the most of the season no matter how prepared you are today. Word of mouth is always the best way to grow any business, and wedding photography businesses are no different. Word of mouth goes deeper than just your network of friends and family - there are preferred vendors, reviews, and of course social media, as well. These can all generate valuable wedding photography leads to your business. Making your first impression will often happen through your website or social media, so in this episode, we’ll also talk about effective marketing strategies to get the most out of your online presence with blogging, online advertisements and more. It is always helpfu