Wedding Photography Podcast | How To Become A Successful, Full-time Wedding Photographer | Wedding Photography Tips

Simplify Your Wedding Photography Business...Only Do These Two Things



It’s all too often that I hear my students or community of wedding photographers saying they feel overwhelmed by the amount of educational content that is out there. As a result, we’re often incredibly inefficient in the way we use that content or are doing things in the wrong order, resulting in us not progressing in our business at all. So I want to make things really simple - there are only two things you really need to do to be successful in your wedding photography business. 1. Book weddings. 2. Shoot weddings competently, creatively, and comprehensively. The hardest part is the first step - getting some to hire and pay you to shoot their wedding. But if you do book a wedding and capture it beautifully, then you’ll have amazing photos to market your business and probably get great testimonials and reviews, which will help to increase your reputation and lead to you booking more weddings in the future. So whatever you’ve been doing up until now, stop! Sit down and make a list of everything you’ve been spe