

Kim Interdonato lives in Long Island, New York . She is 46 years old ( ugh thank god I do not feel or act it ) and is a single mom. She has a cool energetic 8 year old son. She was a competitive figure skater as well as being a skating instructor for over 25 years. Currently, she mainly teaches power skating / hockey. She absolutely loves her job. She wrote SHOES ARE LIKE MEN after a breakup and was very down about my dating and life. One day after a lunch with a girlfriend she told her to look at my dating like trying on shoes. With that spark Kim took a long drive to the Hamptons and came up with the concept for the book. Now she is nearing her 2nd book that will be out in a few months called HEELS & HOCKEY SKATES. In it she captures a female's perspective working in the male dominated sport of hockey.   StoryHinge Where we amplify personal stories to consider more possibility and realize more potential and happi