

Matthew Dicks is an elementary school teacher and the internationally bestselling author of Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend, Something Missing, Unexpectedly, Milo, The Perfect Comeback of Caroline Jacobs, and Storyworthy: Engage Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling. He is a 38-time Moth StorySLAM and 6-time Moth GrandSLAM champion and the founder and Artistic Director of Speak Up a Hartford-based storytelling organization. (and co-host of a podcast of the same name along with his wife Elisha) He is also a wedding DJ, minister, stand-up comic, and a Lord of Sealand. Matt loves ice cream cake, golf, tickling his children, staring at his wife, and not sleeping.   StoryHinge Where we dig deeper into story and story creation.  We amplify personal stories to consider more possibility and realize more potential and happiness in life.   73Mentors Podcast