To Birth And Beyond

Episode 155: The Best of TBAB in 2020 and Year-End Wrap Up!



In today’s episode, Jessie and Anita discuss the top 10 episodes of TBAB in 2020, as voted on by YOUR listens and feedback! - - - - - - - - -  If you liked this episode of To Birth and Beyond, tell your friends! Find us on iTunes and Stitcher to rate/review/subscribe to the show. Want more? Visit, join our Facebook group (To Birth and Beyond Podcast), and follow us on Instagram @tobirthandbeyondpodcast! Thanks for listening and joining the conversation! Resources and References  101- Prepare for postpartum during pregnancy    102- 3 misconceptions when preparing your pelvic floor for birth    Anita’s free ebook: 3 misconceptions when preparing your pelvic floor for birth (and what to do instead)   106- Q&A about pregnancy exercise    107- Who’s taking care of the moms?    110- A complete fitness plan for thriving and not surviving     118- Postpartum exercises Q&A    119- 3 different pregnancy, birth and postpartum experiences with Martine Chiasson    Anita’s Bump to Bi