Tha Talks

Edition 15 - Douglas Myrick - "Novanetics" & The Law of Attraction



Many of you may know about the "Law of Attraction" after watching the very famous DVD called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnes.   Douglas claims to have understood the "Law of Attraction" from a very young age and is now the founder of the "Novanetics" program which is described as "a practical science of mind that helps make self-help work better, stronger, faster, and longer than ever before". In this edition Paul & David take part in a little exercise carried out by Douglas as a taster of some of his treatments, why not get your selves a pen paper and something pleasant to smell so you can join in!? We also talk about the roots of "The Law of Attraction" and ask Douglas about any possible freemasonic flavors to it and if he him self has been involved in any ritualistic practices.