Tha Talks

Edition 21 - Vladimir Wiedemann - Eastern European Mysticism



Vladimir is an Estonian Mystic and the Author of 7 best selling books in East Europe. He is a Friend of our very own host David Parry who is eager to have his works published for western eyes and minds. He has worked at the Scientific Methodist at the Estonian Ministry of High Education, was a correspondent of the BBC (Russian Service) in Berlin, Germany and a Director of BRIC Service (Consulting & Management) in London, UK,  As well as the Founder-member of European Russian Alliance (ERA, HQ in Brussels, Belgium). We indulge in Vladimirs endless research starting off with his path way through Eastern Mysticism and its comparison to the Western traditions. Also we touch on the use of mind altering substances within shamanism, to Hitler and his possible African roots!    Related Links: Vladimir Wiedemann on Facebook