Tha Talks

Edition 162 - David Shayler - Mi5, British Law, Globalist Conspiracies



David Shayler is the former MI5 officer who blew the whistle on MI6 funding Al Qaeda 20 years ago. In his talks, he brings to bear his experiences working for the Sunday Times; working at the heart of the secret state; and then being on the wrong side of the state and the media. He has previously ghost written books like Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers, an account of his time in the services and on the other side of the powers-that-be, and The Truth Manifesto and authored the Book of the Law (published online). As well as publishing published 'Law: the truth about its source, principles and primacy and how it can be used to save the world', he has recently published an off-the-wall off-the-wall thriller,called The Organisation. He has also contributed to and written a number of documentaries, including Mind the Gap and 9/11 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy. After going through a spiritual awakening, he now gives talks about Law, the Esoteric and Spirituality and their practical application to the crisis