To Birth And Beyond

Episode 177: How to Help Your Postpartum Clients Take it Slower



In today’s episode, Jessie and Anita discuss 5 main things that are helpful in facilitating this conversation to help your clients slow down to allow the healing and recovery process to take place. - - - - - If you liked this episode of To Birth and Beyond, tell your friends! Find us on iTunes and Stitcher to rate/review/subscribe to the show. Want more? Visit, join our Facebook group (To Birth and Beyond Podcast), and follow us on Instagram @tobirthandbeyondpodcast! Thanks for listening and joining the conversation! Resources and References  Beyond the Kegel Workshop Show Notes 00:58 - Brand new free live training: Beyond the Kegel 2:50 - What we are talking about today! 3:50 - On taking it slower: how often does it come up in our work? 4:50 - #1: Education on physical healing and stress is vital 8:53 - #2: Have conversations around what the cultural expectations of women, moms, and parents are, and root that in conversations around patriarchy 16:38 - #3: Conversations about bodies