Punching Cardboard

Episode 122 -- Inventory Replays



We made it. 2017 is heading out the door. We're battered and beaten and bruised and bewitched and bespoke and bee-stung and help me off this ride. Phew! But before we go, here's a bunch of stuff we dug in 2017. We're talkin' games and whiskey and whisky and tunes and food and beer and a whole lot of other things in this episode. We take a swipe at a few things, but we mostly go for the good stuff as we sneak off to 2018, hoping that if it doesn't hear us we can find a little more peace and joy in that neck of the woods. Anyway, please enjoy our year-end extravaganza. We'll see you on the other side. IN THE BOOTH: 00:08:28 -- Card Tray Giveaway 00:16:09 -- Games (10 down to 6) 00:51:41 -- Top 5 Train Games (Joe) 00:54:03 -- Top 5 Reasons to Hate Sports (Jim, an audible) 01:00:05 -- Best Music of 2017 01:23:22 -- Top 5 IPAs (Joe) 01:27:47 -- Top 5 Foods (Jim) 01:35:44 -- Whisky Tasting Results 01:41:32 -- Games (5 down to 1) 02:17:45 -- Disappointments and Other Odds & Ends