Punching Cardboard

Episode 134 -- I Have My Moments and Other Times



Hey there. We discuss a sprawling, big Euro game, a compact, tense Euro game and five albums that should be filling your ears. All that and a debate on the state of the hobby in episode 134 of the 'cast. Please enjoy. MOMENTS: 00:10:49 -- The John and Company Not Monopoly Contest Results 00:18:40 -- A Trade to Make? (Tash Kalar & Terra Mystica for 18CZ) 00:21:10 -- Joe plays Feudum (multiple sessions) 00:49:42 -- The Burning Question: Sturgeon's Law and Board Games 01:21:35 -- This Week in Spins (Neko Case, The Magic Numbers, The Pineapple Thief and more) 01:42:18 -- Carthago (in-depth) 02:16:33 -- It is all just a Tire Fire, Lusty or Not.