Punching Cardboard

Episode 137 -- If At First



Here ya go kids, all the way from the lands of Antiquity, episdoe 137, take 2. We sewed all the parts together and shocked it into being. Because we care. Sincerely, Dr. Frankenstein PARTS: 00:15:03 -- What We Did on Our Summer Vacation 00:35:11 -- Condottiere 00:41:04 -- Legend of the Five Rings -- Casual Decks Need Not Apply?? 00:44:38 -- Sessions: Lisboa, Shogun, Age of Steam 00:51:17 -- Lost Valley 00:55:22 -- Root 01:06:16 -- The Music of Our Lives 01:32:15 -- A Dram and a Beer (Sexton Irish Single Malt / Saint Archer Mandarina Pale) 01:38:59 -- Emily Post and Gaming 01:54:53 -- Antiquity (in-depth) P.S. -- We still forgot the scooters!!!