Punching Cardboard

Episode 147 -- A Tale of Three Games



It was the best of games. It was the worst of games. Yeah, we got wisdom, and foolishness, and whatever else this old fat world throws at us. Welcome to the 147. The people of the 147 are in a bit of a mood and and the discussion is a bit gritty, but there is much to explore in this one. The folk here aren't interested in the black and white of things, but instead revel in the shades of gray embedded throughout. Don't be outraged, be engaged. TONAL VARIATIONS: 00:18:27 -- 18Ireland 00:40:57 -- SpaceCorp (in-depth) 01:08:57 -- Glendalough 13 yo Irish Single Malt 01:21:20 -- Captains of the Gulf (in-depth) 01:39:33 -- Love & Hip-Hop??? 01:53:17 -- Dodgers (Bill Beverly) 02:32:40 -- No-Fun February