Turtle Power Pod

S03E30 - Leatherhead Terror of the Swamp



Screw hyphenations, this is Leatherhead Terror of the Swamp, and it's an episode we've been waiting to watch for a while. Does it live up to our childhood-fueled hype? Find out!  We were on an episode of Stacey's Pop Culture Parlour! Listen at https://popcultureparlour.podbean.com/ Pizza Challenge! Click here to vote on the pizza we'll eat, straight from the show: http://www.strawpoll.me/12073390 S03E30 - Leatherhead Terror of the Swamp http://turtlepowerpod.libsyn.com Twitter @TurtlePowerPod Email TurtlePowerPod@gmail.com YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxUFgCsBp_5iSHXuShyVSsw Check out Wikihow We Do It at http://wikihow.libsyn.com/ ~ Cowabunga, dudes