Turtle Power Pod

S03E35 - Part Two - The Making of Metalhead



Our best friend is here! We're joined by our very good friend Chris! Chris is well known in our circles for being a comic book enthusiast, loving father, and all-around good guy. He also doesn't really know when to shut up, so we made this episode in two parts. Enjoy! Pizza Challenge! Click here to vote on the pizza we'll eat, straight from the show: http://www.strawpoll.me/12073390 S03E35 - Part Two - The Making of Metalhead http://turtlepowerpod.libsyn.com Twitter @TurtlePowerPod Email TurtlePowerPod@gmail.com YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxUFgCsBp_5iSHXuShyVSsw Check out Wikihow We Do It at http://wikihow.libsyn.com/ ~ Cowabunga, dudes