Turtle Power Pod

S03E45 - The Big Rip Off



Part one of three! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and fight over a power source powerful enough to restore the Technodrome to it's former glory. Sound familiar? Naaaah. This kicks off the epic (hopefully) season finale that's been building for so long, Basem and Cranny might as well be contractors. S03E45 - The Big Rip Off http://turtlepowerpod.libsyn.com Twitter @TurtlePowerPod Email TurtlePowerPod@gmail.com YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxUFgCsBp_5iSHXuShyVSsw Check out Wikihow We Do It at http://wikihow.libsyn.com/ ~ Cowabunga, dudes